Tennis Gift Ideas for Men and Women

PERSONALIZED Tennis Gift Ideas for Men and Women. Delete any of the temporary text or type in YOUR TEXT.  Unique and original tennis designs by Little Linda Pinda are customizable. . Cheap Tennis Keychains to Tennis Watches and almost anything you can think of.  To see great Tennis Tips Videos and Cheap, Cool and Funny Tennis Gifts for Coaches from Under $4 and up. CLICK HERE

Tennis Gift Ideas  CLICK IMAGES for Price and Details

Tennis Gift Ideas
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Funny Tennis Gifts for Women and Men

Choose from several different mug styles. My favorite is the stainless steel tennis travel mug.  You can choose the White Coated Stainless Steel Tennis Travel Mugs or the regular Stainless Steel.  What I like the most about my travel mug from Zazzle is that it is stainless inside and out instead of plastic.

We also offer white ceramic mugs some with color accents. Frosted mugs too.  Look to your right and scroll down to see the many tennis mug choices. I love this cute tennis design with her lipstick and tennis ball eyes.  I can put it on any Zazzle personalizable gifts.


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 Type YOUR TEXT into the template text boxes located to your right below the “PERSONALIZE IT” area once you are on the Tennis Mugs product page. I just LOVE these two designs. Funny Tennis Gifts for both men and women, teenage girls or boys. You can ADD your COACH’S NAME to both of these tennis mugs or give them as Tennis Team Gifts at the end of the season. Players will definitely remember this season and these Funny Tennis Gifts.

Tennis Mugs are all available in any different Mug styles. Click on the product, then look to your lower right under the “Style Options” section. You can select the White or Stainless Steel Travel Mugs, Plain white ceramic mugs, frosted and any other accent colored mugs. The travel mugs are my Number 1 Seller followed by the plain White Ceramic Mugs.

Tennis Keychains

Great Tennis Gift Ideas for Teams, Coaches and Players. Tennis Key chains are available in the inexpensive acrylic personalized keychains (under $4.00) and the premium silver keychains in Round and Square styles (around $20.00 depending on Small or Large sizes).  These make for unique Team Gifts because they fit everyone’s budget. You can write your Coach Name in or give as Gift Ideas for Tennis Players.  Keep scrolling to view more cool Tennis Gift Ideas for Men and Women.


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This shows you how the Tennis Keychains look in different key ring styles. The first are the Very Cheap Tennis Gifts, Acrylic Keychains that cost Under $4.00 plus you can get a BULK Discount for orders of 10 or more acrylic keychains. IMPORTANT NOTE for TENNIS TEAM GIFTS: Personalize each Players Tennis Keychain, ONE at a time, then “ADD it to CART” and then Go Back to Customize the next tennis keychain. Very cool Tennis Gift Ideas for players and teams.


Tennis Clocks and Tennis Watches for Men and Women. Choose Your Style Watch


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Quality gifts from the worlds Best Print On Demand Company, Zazzle. A+ BBB, Better Business Bureau Rated with a 100% Guarantee or Your Money Back from Zazzle.  They can boast of their impressive, Less than 1% of products are returned because of the excellent quality control staff, amazing printing on quality products. If you are looking for more tennis gift ideas, please let me know and I will do my best to make your requests at no obligation.

I used to think of personalized gifts as junky products with printing that comes off right away.  Not with the gifts I purchased from Zazzle.  I am so happy and proud to work as an independent Designer/Seller for Zazzle. As the designer for this Tennis merchandise,  I am happy to make changes for you or Help you at no extra cost to you. You will LOVE IT or you can Return it. Scroll Down to see more gifts.  Thank you so much for shopping with Little Linda Pinda.


More Custom Tennis Gifts by Little Linda Pinda

Doggy Tennis Shirts in Sizes from XS to XL.  The Personalized Tennis Hats are available in 12 COLORS plus other Tennis Cap Designs too in my “Tennis Stuff” Gifts Category. Click on images to go directly to that gift or click on the “TENNIS STUFF”  Big Tennis Ball Below to go to the whole Custom Tennis Gifts Category.  Something for everybody.  If you don’t see what you want, Call Linda, and I will try to create it for you.  I can place ANY of my Designs on ANY Zazzle Merchandise.


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For some History of Tennis Scoring System and Why they came up with such a funny way of keeping score and a simple chart of How to Keep Score in Tennis, ABOVE in the Green text below the BIG “Tennis Stuff” Ball.   CLICK HERE   to see ALL Customizable Tennis Gifts

Tennis Gift Ideas for Women, Men, Kids and even your Pet


Tennis Gift Ideas
CLICK this Big TENNIS BALL Image  to see ALL of TENNIS Gift Ideas
If there are template text boxes, you can type in YOUR NAME, MONOGRAM or any Text you wish or just DELETE the text

Tennis Gift Ideas for Tennis Coaches and Captains

Tennis Gift Ideas
CLICK HERE to Visit Tennis Coach Gift Ideas for Men and Women

How to Keep Score in Tennis Video on YouTube

This video breaks it down into an easy to understand way. After watching this Tennis Scoring Video, look at it in writing, right below the this video and that will help get it into your mind. I suggest, memorizing this thoroughly so when you are playing, you will not have to think hard or stall. Call out the score before you serve.

Tennis Scoring History

Did you ever wonder, How Do You Score in Tennis and Why?  I do and I have so I did a little research that you might be interested in.  What is the Origin of this crazy tennis scoring system.  I find it mind boggling and confusing.

The Game Starts Out as: 

The person serving CALLS out the TENNIS SCORE. Study this chart to learn it inside out because when you are playing the game, if you don’t know it well, you may call out the wrong score.

LOVE  LOVE for each side which means “Nothing”  “Zero  Zero”

First Score: 15

Second Score: 30

Third Score: 40

Fourth Score: You Won the Game.

6 Games to Win the Set

2 out of 3 Sets to Win the Match.

This is the simple answer. It gets a bit more complicated with very tight matches and games and Tie Breakers.

What does Deuce in Tennis Mean?  When the game is Tied at 40 40, you will hear the server call “Deuce”.  That is a tie before the game point. When the first team or player scores after they called “Deuce”, they have the “Advantage”. If this same team or player scores again, they win the Game.  If, however, the second team or player scores the next point, it goes back to Deuce.

What is the History of Tennis

Some say the History of Tennis goes back to Medieval Times.  It more closely resembles the English Victorian era. The most prominent ancestor was of French origin and the called the game of Tennis, “Jeu de Paume”.  French Monks were known to have played the game in the 11th Century.  Stories be told, that King Henry VII, took the game very seriously.

Though the game of tennis that we know today has its roots in late Victorian England, some version of the game has been played since Medieval times.  Players actually hit the ball back and forth over the net with their bare hands. Eventually they began using bats and gloves and eventually Racquets.

“Jeu de Paume” is called by some, “Royal Tennis” and “Real Tennis” which is similar to our modern day tennis.

Some of the information for the above Tennis Scoring System came from History of Tennis Scoring System and


CLICK on Me and the Baby Tiger to Go to my Full Personalization Gifts Shop

Tennis Gift Ideas
Click TIGER to Visit My Zazzle Shop with Lots more Personalizable Gifts for everyone and more Tennis Gift Ideas too.
Tennis Gift Ideas
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tennis gift ideas

I hope you enjoyed the Tennis Gift Ideas for everyone.  I will be creating many more cute Tennis Gifts for Women, Men, Teenagers and Kids.  Babies too.

Tennis is a great game to get a lot of great excercise for your body, mind and heart. Be sure to have a physical before beginning.  Many people have advise that you get Tennis Lessons from a professional right away before you develop bad habits. I had so much fun making the funny tennis gifts. Especially the Mustache Tennis Mugs and gifts and the Funny Tennis Gifts for Women with the cute Liptstick.

Thank you for visiting our Tennis Gift Ideas and a bit of Tennis History.  I hope you make your way to* and our Tennis Store Online with Personalizable Gifts for many sports, photo gifts and more. Have a blessed day.  God Bless You and Play Tennis.*


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Little Linda Pinda Designs


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Thank you for visiting our Personalized Tennis Gift Ideas for Men and Women.  Give Linda a Call to make changes to any of my designs including Color changes, images, text boxes etc.  If you would like to request Special Orders, give me a call to see if we can create it for you. Free design service with no obligation to buy. I am a Pro Designer with renown Zazzle where Quality Products, Great Customer Service and Amazing Robotic Print on Demand is offered.  Raving customer reviews at my  Zazzle shop:

Personalizable Gifts by Linda CLICK HERE