Football iPhone 6 Cases and Matching Laptop Sleeves

Personalized Football iPhone 6 Cases (fits iPhone 6S too). Matching Football Laptop Case Sleeves. Really cool Flaming Football, Close up football cases and more or choose a totally different device football case such as: Older iPhone Football Cases (iPhone 3 through 6, 6 Plus, iPad covers, Galaxy etc).  Type your NAME and Jersey NUMBER or any text into easy to use text box templates.  All Football iPhone Cases 5, 5S, 6 & 6 PLUS, 6S & 6S Plus  CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to view ALL Personalized Football Gifts

CALL LINDA at: 239-949-9090 to Put ANY Designs on ANY Case

Football iPhone 6 Cases


See our line of BASKETBALL iPhone 6 Cases, Laptop Covers CLICK HERE

These football phone cases are some of the coolest and Unique Flaming Football designs.  Up close football stitching and other very cool football iPhone cases. Football players will love having the new football iPhone case with their jersey number and name on it.  Easy to use Text Box Templates for you to type in YOUR TEXT or just DELETE it.

CLICK the IMAGES to see Prices and Details on Football iPhone 6 Cases


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Football iPhone 6 Cases



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CLICK the IMAGES to see Prices and more Details on the Football iPhone 6 Cases and accessories. Great looking Football Gifts Ideas that will be a hit and a memory because they are customized for your favorite football player or coaches.

Most of the Football iPhone 6 Cases come in different styles,  under the “Style Options” on the product page.  Barely There is the light weight iPhone football case, Tough and Tough Extreme football phone cases for great protection. At the moment, the flaming football iPhone case that is my top seller is this third black Flaming Football iPhone Case in the Tough Extreme style with full coverage all around including the screen.

CHANGE the style to an iPad Case, Galaxy Case or Older iPhone Football Cases. CALL Linda for HELP or if you would like any of our designs placed on any of the hundreds of Zazzle merchandise.

 CLICK HERE for Zazzle Customization Help

Apple made their big announcement today about the new products. I found this ABC News site with a video with the announcements. Apple Announcement Video by

Football iPhone 6 Cases Close Up Design

Handsome Personalized Sports iPhone 6 Case with a matching Football Laptop Case.  Good Gifts for Football Players for Christmas or Birthday and any very special occasions. Up close and personal football on a cool shaded golden background and a metal looking font saying “Football”.  This is the feather weight slim football phone case or choose the tough iphone 6 cases.  New iPhone cases in various styles. Awesome personalized football gifts.



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See my short story below on how my son not only became successful in High School and College Football but how it also helped him to become an amazingly successful young business man in his twenties.

Football iPhone 6 Cases, Laptop Case and Luggage or Bag Tags

Matching Football Laptop Case along with the Football Luggage Tags that are customizable. The background has the look of textured football skin. These are printed on cases, so it is not really textured but the PhotoShop effects I did made it look like that. I can customize football gifts for you with special cool fonts and your photos. Football Team Gifts for players or coaches.  Very cool football iphone cases.  See ALL, even the iPhone 5 football covers by clicking the first big image above. That will take you to my Zazzle Football Shop.


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How to Get Ready for Football Season

I found this great web site, 16 Exercises from the Best Football Players in the NFL by, filled with Videos and the top 16 best exercises to get yourself ready for football season.  As I look back at my son preparing himself to for football, I am amazed at his dedication to healthy eating and working out. At only 13 years old, he bought himself a used weight lifting set and started his journey to become strong and fit.

Even though my son was not a large kid as a teenager, his dedication paid off.  He was a starter for his high school football team.  He not only held his own, he NEVER got hurt playing College or High School Football.  He believes this was because he was very strong. He only weighed 155 pounds and was around 5 foot 9 inches tall.  He was an excellent football player and I am so proud of his accomplishments.

When he went to college as a freshman, he was one of only 6 freshmen players chosen to be on the Traveling Football Team and again a starter. Wow!  I think this is quite an accomplishment for a freshman, especially considering his size.

Watch the video if you need some motivation to get fit and stay fit. It is an every day routine that matters. My son still workouts daily to stay healthy and fit. I believe this dedication and his involvement in football helped to form him into the amazing and super successful business man that he is to this day.

At only 28 years old he was offered a management position in a very large institution.  This is a position normally held by men in the forties to sixties.  He was also given the opportunity to serve on a committee to answer questions that other advisors, like him, needed answers on how to become successful and did telephone training calls for the entire United States.

Did football play a part of his incredible success?  I think so. I also raised my kids around my business getting them involved in helping me sell artwork at the mall.  I taught them some really basic business skills too as they were growing up. I believe that raising them in a Christian home is the absolute most important value I could hand down to my children.


ALL Personalized Football Gifts CLICK HERE

Football iPhone 6 Cases
ALL Personalizable Gifts CLICK HERE
Football iPhone 6 Cases

Thanks for Visiting Football iPhone 6 Cases and Gifts

Thank you for shopping at our Football Shop Online where you can search Zazzle through Billions of Gifts and so many creative and personalizable gifts for boys, men, teenagers, women and girls. CALL or TEXT me if you would like to request a custom gift made for you or changes to any of my designs. I love making people happy and you will see lots of smiles when you give a gift personalized especially for your friends and family.  I hope you find the perfect Football iPhone 6 Cases otherwise call or text me and we will design one for you.


Little Linda Pinda Designs

CALL or TEXT is Best Method to CONTACT Linda:  


[email protected]


These make really great football Christmas Gifts for boys and men.  The flaming football designs are my top sellers and the tough extreme style is my top selling and best iPhone 6 case, at the time of writing this article.  Thank you so much for stopping by. CALL, TEXT or email me for changes, different products with these designs or any special order requests. No minimums, no set up fees and no extra charges at all for custom orders.  I just love creating great football gifts for players, coaches and fans.

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Football iPhone Cases 5, 5S, 6 & 6 PLUS  CLICK HERE  * Fits iPhone 6S and 6S Plus