Customizable Baby Elephant Nursery Decor for Baby Girls

Cute and Personalized Baby Elephant Nursery Decor for Baby Girls. Cute baby elephant prancing around.  Pink and gray elephant nursery with baby’s NAME or Your Text into text box templates. You can even change the background and text colors or call us and we will customize it for you and make changes.  See our cute baby elephant invitations, save the date and matching postage stamps Elephant Nursery Decor

CLICK HERE for ALL Elephant Nursery Decor

Cute personalized elephant gifts for baby girls are wonderful shower gifts. You can even change the Pink background and White or Pink text to your colors.  Feel free to Call me, Linda, to change the background and text colors or make other elephant design changes for the cutest nursery decor. Linda: 239-949-9090

CLICK HERE: Invitations, Save the Date and Matching Postage Stamps CLICK HERE

Pink and Gray Elephant Nursery Decor – or ANY COLORS CLICK HERE

Elephant Nursery Decor

Elephant Nursery Decor

Your Text  Your Background and Text Colors or CALL Linda and I will customize it for you: 239-949-9090

Personalized Elephant Baby Pillows

Really Cute white chevron personalized baby pillows with adorable baby girl elephant scrolled with flowers.  I can put a little Rose or Tropical Flower on her for an extra girly touch. Let me know if you would like any changes to any of our designs.  Wonderful Elephant Baby Shower Gifts for Girls.

A+ Better Business Bureau Rating

Elephant Nursery Decor
Click here to go to Better Business Bureau Website.

Short YouTube Video featuring Elephant Nursery Decor by me, Little Linda Pinda


 Elephant Baby Shower Favors too:  Elephant Baby Shower Favors/


Baby Elephant Wall Decals

These Elephant Wall Decals


Pink Personalized Elephant Clocks

YOUR COLORS or TEXT on All Elephant Decor

I can add a cute flower on the baby elephant, chevron for her to be walking on. I can change the Pink and White colors to Your COLORS and YOUR TEXT.  Wonderful gifts for newborn baby girl.  CALL Linda for Design Changes or Help: 239-949-9090

Elephant Blanket Personalized for Baby Girl


Baby Elephant Nursery Motif

Keep your nursery decor simple by decorating with things that are fairly easy to change. For an example, keep your flooring neutral because you don’t change your carpet, wood flooring or tile often.

Painting a room is fairly simple and easy to do in a day or two with a small investment or just keep the walls neutral and decorate with elephant wall art, clocks, posters, pillows and blankets.  From Babies to little girls all will love this cute baby elephant because is so happy and prancing around.

Baby Elephant Throw Pillows with YOUR COLORS

Change the background and text colors to any color you choose or call me, Linda, and I will change it for you. If you any parts of any of my designs, I can place them on any Zazzle personalized gift at no extra charge.


 How to Decorate a Baby Nursery?

1.  Choose your Nursery Theme: This may or may not determine your nursery room colors.  If you are choosing a name brand design from a movie, or famous trade mark designs, you are likely limited to those colors.
Take a look around the web to see various nursery themes.  What do you get excited about.  Pinterest is full of fun designs and baby nursery themes.
2. Choose your Colors. Pick your Main Color and then your Secondary Color. Once you have those two colors chosen, you can choose accent colors that go nicely in your fresh and new nursery.
These Pink and Gray Elephant Nursery Colors can be changed to your colors.  I offer you free design services. You are able to change the colors of the background and customizable text colors.  I can change it for you.
3. Choose the layout of your nursery.
You can print out Grid paper online for free. Keep them at One inch equals One foot or something consistent. Mark the location and sizes of your Door, Closet, Window or other permanent fixtures and openings.
Cut out little pieces of nursery furniture, such as crib, dresser, rocking chair, changing table, etc.  Place the little furniture pieces around your room.  Keeping in mind that you’ll be peaking in on your baby often.
What piece of furniture is your main focal point as you look into the room.  I usually placed my changing table close to the door. That way when you look into the room, that piece of furniture won’t be a stand out piece.
Choose you nursery bedding, accent pieces for the wall, pillow for your chair and other baby nursery accents.
Zazzle offers hundreds of products. Many that are wonderful for baby nursery decor.  Lamps, night lights, pillows, blankets, clocks, wall decor and more.
If you don’t see a product you are looking for, please give me, Little Linda Pinda, a call.  I can look for you and see if we can create matching and coordinating decor.  Linda: 239-949-9090
Remember that I can change colors to your colors.  You can even change the background and text.
With Zazzle personalizable gifts, many of my designs are customizable.  You can usually change the background and text colors.  I can usually change parts of the design to most colors.
Thank you for stopping by to see our Elephant Nursery Decor Gifts and Ideas. Please Call me, Little Linda Pinda,  if you would like any design or part of any of my designs changed or put on a different Zazzle product.  Zazzle is world renown for their exceptional robotic state of the art printing machines, quality gifts and outstanding customer service. Zazzle has thousands of independent designer from all over the world.
I would really appreciate if you would Bookmark my Zazzle Personalizable Gifts Store Little Linda Pinda Designs Store  to browse in the future.  I offer you help on customizing my personalizable gifts, help ordering (although you need to order online, I can assist you via text or phone call and even make Design Changes for you, at no extra charge. CALL Little Linda Pinda Designs HERE: 239-949-9090
100% “LOVE IT” No Questions Asked Guaranteed.  Zazzle has a very impressive fewer than 1% of their personalized and custom gifts are returned. You will be impressed by the quality of Zazzle’s merchandise the wonderful Printing, second to none.
Pink and Gray Elephant Nursery Decor
I really enjoy looking at the soft and sweet pink and grey nursery decor at  Here is a page with different pink and gray nursery decorating ideas. Pink and Gray Nursery Decor at
Check out their impressive A+ Rating (Better Business Bureau).
to see ALL Personalizable Gifts for Babies, Adults and Pets.
CLICK on me and the baby tiger to go directly to my Zazzle Personalizable Gifts Shop
Elephant Nursery Decor
CLICK IMAGE for our Personalizable Gifts Store
CLICK on this Image to Contact Linda via EMAIL
Elephant Nursery Decor
CLICK on my Name to CONTACT Little LINDA Pinda via Email CALL 239-949-9090


Pink and Gray Elephant Nursery Decor

 See many other Personalized Baby Girl Elephant Gifts for Nursery, Baby Shower and Newborn gift ideas.  We will customize any of our designs at no extra cost or put any of our designs on any Zazzle merchandise.  I am a designer / associate with Zazzle.  People from all of the globe shop Zazzle because of the unique personalizable gifts for everyone. These will make wonderful Christmas  Gifts for Baby Girl or for baby girls first birthday gift ideas.


Little Linda Pinda, LLC

239-949-9090  Fasted way to Contact Me.

[email protected]     Please Write “ZAZZLE” in the Subject Line.