Custom Online Fabric Store Reviews “Hands On”

Brilliant Custom Printed Fabric Reviews. See my Comprehensive Custom Online Fabric Store Reviews “Hands On” Reviews by Seamstress and Fabric Designer, Little Linda Pinda.   I also found a great and super simple How to Make No Sew Curtains Video that look professional and very easy. Custom Printed Fabric and Coordinating Home Decor  CLICK HERE    For HELP: Linda: 239-949-9090

Online Fabric Store Reviews

Read my Hands On Fabric Reviews and Comparison of ALL 7 Zazzle Fabric Choices.  I will provide you with One on One HELP to make changes or to upload your designs or photos including Free Cropping and Basic Photo Adjustments.

 Custom Online Fabric Store Reviews

Detailed fabric review of ALL 7 custom printed fabrics from world class Zazzle. The custom fabric store review is with my own Zazzle Fabrics including Photos and Details.

Select Your Color Code or use our Color Boxes, Slider Tool or Color Code. Change the Size of the Pattern or the Pattern Layout.  So many ways to Create Custom Printed Fabric by the Yard.


Online Fabric Store Reviews
CLICK Turquoise Fabric  IMAGE to see ALL Custom Printed Fabrics


Differences in the Fabric

Online Fabric Store Reviews
CLICK IMAGE to See Our Custom Printed Fabrics

My Zazzle Photo Fabric Comparison Swatches

Zazzle’s Images Show Fabric Better than my Photos

Fabric Designs and Photos come alive in natural lighting.  The brightness of the fabric varies in different lighting environments.  Zazzle offers you the opportunity to buy various size swatch and fat quarters so you can see how your fabric looks in your home before buying your yardage.

What is the Best place to order fabric online? CALL Linda for Help Customizing Fabrics or Changes to Any of my Designs. I can show you how to use our cool Tile Tool.

Read my “Hands OnZazzle Online Fabric Store Review. It is extremely important to buy quality custom printed fabric by the yard because your time sewing or creating non-sew projects is valuable.

My Fabric Swatches – See Zazzle’s Custom Fabric by the Yard HERE:  Click this link for comprehensive Zazzle’s PHOTO Custom Printed Fabric by the Yard Detailed Article


Pink Basketball Gifts
A+ Better Business Bureau Rating

What helps out here with this Photo, comparing all seven fabric choices,  you can see the differences in Brightness. Unfortunately, the beautiful texture and weaves is not represented as well as in person.  Fabric images will vary with my Fabric Images as well as Zazzle’s, depending on the brightness of YOUR Computer Screen.

Detailed 100% COTTON Fabric Review

Online Fabric Store Reviews
CLICK HERE to See Linda’s 100% Cotton Fabric REVIEWS

My Custom Online Fabric Store Reviews

A bit about Little Linda Pinda’s

Seamstress and Designing Experience:

I have been a seamstress since I was 13 years old, making most of my own clothes throughout high school. My complicated plaid winter lined coat was displayed in our school display cabinet.

At 20 years old I made a beautiful Men’s 3 Piece Suit (how you can probably figure out that I am in my late 50’s) with bound button holes, lined, and if I do say so myself, beautifully tailored. I made my own clothing,  Pleated Draperies, Curtains, Home Decor including and most recently, Valances Cornishes.

The three piece men’s suit, by far, was the most complicated and difficult thing I’ve ever sewn.  I actually didn’t even want to look at my sewing machine for a year.

Detailed POLYESTER Fabric Review

Online Fabric Store Reviews


I appreciate good quality fabric that will hold up and not fade.  We spend a lot of time and love on our sewing projects and want them to wear well.

I have been a designer with world renown Zazzle for nearly 3 years and as of recently, started designing unique fabric prints for Sports, Masculine Man Cave Decor, Photo Fabric and other lovely home decorating fabrics.

Besides my own unique fabric designs, Zazzle offers Tile Tools for you to create an even more unique fabric design. The Zazzle Tile Tool allows you to put my design, or yours, into a square or rectangular shape in various patterns.

I am an independent designer of Zazzle home decor, custom gifts and products. I chose to become a designer with Zazzle after hearing their Mission Statement on the National News. They talked about wanting to give great customer service with quality products an amazingly vibrant and detailed printing process which is “Second to None”.

Detailed 100% LINEN Fabric Review

Online Fabric Store Reviews


 Zazzle Asked Me to Write a Personal “Hands On” Custom Fabric Review

I was very excited to be asked by Zazzle to write a review about the new line of Custom Printed Fabric by the Yard. I designed the following Photo Fabric for the purpose of comparing all 7 fabrics with one another and for those who would love to put Family Pictures onto Fabric. Zazzle sent me swatches of the 7 types of Fabrics.

I was very pleased to see the vibrant print and details of the photos and frame design on most the custom printed fabrics. Below I will give my opinion of each of the fabric types. Please keep in mind that this is my independent review and not Zazzle’s review and opinions. Zazzle’s facts and care instructions supersede my opinions and recommendations.

For fabric details and care instructions for each of the custom printed fabrics, please refer to this (Zazzle’s Fabric Type) Link: Zazzle Fabric Types

Being an independent designer for Zazzle merchandise, when I designed this particular photo fabric, I made each of the pictures you see brighter knowing that fabrics often times dull out the images. I can do the same for your photos at no extra cost. You will see how it looks online prior to purchasing.

I used the EXACT same images on each of the fabrics to get a direct comparison for my review. Yes, I would have loved to do a review with 7 different designs, but I couldn’t make a direct comparison that way.

The Ivory Linen and Natural Linen Fabrics are so vastly different in it’s own unique fabric class, that I decided not to compare the linens with the cotton and polyester fabrics, because they are so different. I do, however, review each of Zazzle’s two linen fabric separately. My comparison review will be with each other.

All of the fabrics come in Wide Widths, from 54 inches to 60 inches, plus selvages, giving more value to the customers with less seaming to do.

For making Pillows, Curtains, Table Cloths, etc, the wide fabric will especially be appreciated. You will be able to get enough fabric for 3 Full 16 inch Pillows, with the purchase of 1 yard of 60 inch Polyester Poplin. (Depending on the plumpness you desire for each pillow, you may be able to get 3 pillows out of all of the fabric widths.

You can purchase a Swatch of each Custom Fabric, a larger Fat Quarter and 1 yard at a time  up to 10 Continuously Running Printed Yards.  If you need more than 10 yards, Zazzle will print another running yardage, up to 10 yards.  Custom Online Fabric Store Reviews “Hands On”.

As with ALL Zazzle products, you have a 100% “Love It” or your Money Back Guarantee with an incredible, “Less than 1% Return Rate”.


Video on How to Make No Sew Grommet Curtains

Video by Online Fabric Store Web Site

* Important Zazzle Disclaimer regarding all of our of custom fabric by the yard:

These fabrics are not suitable, nor recommended for use in children’s sleepwear, bedding or use in a crib.

Most of the Fabric Facts have been taken from Zazzle’s Fabric Site describing their specific fabrics below.

I also found this helpful web site describing the general facts of Cotton, Polyester and other fabric types. Some of the Fabric Facts are from the following web site: Joanne Faith article on general wool, cotton and polyester fabric characteristics
I find that the fabrics look pretty similar to the web site when shown in natural lighting. They appear a little darker when not in natural lighting surroundings. As with all fabrics, carpets, paint etc, you will want to purchase a swatch or larger fat quarter sample to see how the fabric looks in your own personal environment.
I was extremely pleased with most of the fabrics and how the Photos came out. In person, I am able to see the natural fiber characteristics more clearly.
Pre-washing, some of the fabrics felt a bit firmer than I would have thought, while others flowed and draped better and felt softer than anticipated.



Custom Online Fabric Stores Reviews:

I am not only an independent designer on Zazzle merchandise but a customer. I LOVE Zazzle’s quality products and the incredible state-of-the-art detailed and vibrant printing process that is “Second to None”.   I was surprised at just how brilliant and clear the designs and photos are on most of the fabrics.

The only fabric that I was disappointed in the printing vibrancy is the 100% Cotton Pima Fabric.  It was not as brilliant as the other cotton fabrics or the polyesters.  The flow and feel were beautiful.

My favorite Zazzle Fabrics are both the Polyester Poplin and Polyester Weave Fabric.  If I had to pick between the two, I would choose the Polyester Weave because I love the texture and gentle flow of the fabric and how my photos and designs turned out.  They are the most vibrant and brilliant.  They look and feel similar to the cotton fabrics. Boy, has Polyester come along way since the 1970’s when I made outfits for myself.

The 100% Combed Cotton comes in a very close 3rd Place.  I love the brilliancy of this fabric also along with the tightly woven fabric and teeny tiny little flex for character.  The designs and photo fabric show up wonderfully with great detail.

Please see the articles I wrote with specific comparisons of each of the groups of fabrics.  I describe in detail the look, feel and my ideas for using these fabulous custom printed fabrics.  You will LOVE them and if by chance you don’t, Zazzle will give you 100% of your money back within 30 days of purchase.

I only needed to return one product one time.  It was my fault and mistake.  I accidentally shipped an anniversary gift to my son’s house in California instead of my house in Florida.  There was no time to receive it short of spending $25.oo to ship it overnight.

Zazzle gave me my money back, no questions asked.  Less than 1% of Zazzle merchandise is ever returned.  That says a lot for their quality control team, the products and the outstanding printing and service they offer.  I am proud and thrilled to have the opportunity to design on their products and my family loves the gifts I send them or that they purchase.


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Custom Printed Fabrics and Highlights

1. Polyester Weave Fabric:

  • Brilliant Detailed Printing – Easy Care – Woven Texture – Soft Feel and Drape

2. Polyester Poplin Fabric:

  • Vibrant Detailed Printing – Easy Care – Multiple Home Decor Use

3. 100% Combed Cotton Fabric:

  • Bright Detailed Printing – Multiple Use – Character – 100% Cotton

4. 100% Cotton Twill Fabric:

  • Medium Vibrancy Printing – Soft Flowing Drape – 100% Cotton

5. Ivory 100% Linen Fabric: A Bit Darker Printing –

  • Elegant Yet Slightly Rustic Charm – 100% Linen Texture

6. Natural 100% Linen Fabric:

  • Darkest Printing – Rustic Textured Charm – 100% Linen

7. 100% Pima Cotton –

  • Least Brilliant Printing – Amazing Soft Feel and Flow – Great for Apparel and Decor


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Online Fabric Store Reviews
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